And for all the criticisms they have of Obama, Muslim Americans have found more than enough reasons to vote for him.
"To get one Osama bin Laden, our irresponsible President Bush
destroyed a nation and a people," said Mike Ghouse, a Muslim commentator
in Texas, referring to the invasion of Iraq. "In contrast, President
Obama got the guy with no collateral damage and no damage to bin Laden's
religion or the nation," Ghouse said.
The above comment was selected from my long interview.
Mike Ghouse
Muslims Back Obama, But By Smaller Margin Than In 2008
Courtesy Huffington post
(RNS) Nearly nine in 10 Muslim American voters pulled the lever for
the Democratic candidate in the last two presidential elections, partly
because of Republican policies and rhetoric that many considered
anti-Muslim. In 2008, they also thought President Obama would usher in
an era in which Muslims would be more accepted at home, and relations
between America and the Islamic world would see improvement.
But this year, Muslim American support for President Obama shows
signs of waning, which could be enough to affect the 2012 election in
key swing states where a few thousand votes could have a big impact.
Several of those swing states -- most notably Virginia, Michigan,
Florida, Pennsylvania, Colorado, and Ohio -- have enough Muslim voters
to turn a tight race, experts say.
According to a poll of 500 Muslim American voters released Wednesday
(Oct. 24) by the Council of American-Islamic Relations in Washington, 68
percent of Muslims said they would vote for President Obama, while 25
percent were undecided. The poll, which had a margin of error of plus or
minus 5 percentage points, also found that 91 percent of Muslims intend
to vote.
While Muslim Americans continue to place high importance on civil
rights and foreign policy, the CAIR survey shows that they, like other
Americans, have ranked the economy and jobs as their top concern,
followed by education and health care.
"We came to this country for the opportunities it offered us, and we
need to be focused on domestic issues that impact all Americans because
now this is our home," said New Yorker Zeba Iqbal, an Obama supporter
and former executive director of the Council for the Advancement of
Muslim Professionals.
But many Muslim Americans are disappointed with Obama on a range of
issues, including his support for the Patriot Act, a counterterrorism
law that that they say unfairly targets Muslims. Many Muslims are also
upset about FBI sting operations against Muslims that civil rights
activists say amount to entrapment.
addition, many Muslim Americans were disappointed that Obama did not
confront the New York City Police Department for allegedly spying on
Muslim Americans in and around New York.
Overseas, Obama has stepped up drone attacks in Afghanistan and
Pakistan that have killed dozens of civilians; Palestinians still have
no independent state; and some Muslim critics say Washington still goes
too easy on oppressive regimes in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and other
Most Muslim Americans believed the Iraq war was reckless, and have
advocated for an American exit from Afghanistan. Many also believed
America was right to to stay out of Iran's short-lived Green Revolution,
where people are suspicious of the American government.
But in Syria, where strongman Bashar al-Assad's forces have killed
thousands in massacres and bombardments, more than two-thirds of Muslim
Americans want the U.S. to be more supportive of anti-Assad rebels,
according to the CAIR survey.
"The people on the ground are asking for it. People are dying there,"
said Rashad Al-Dabbagh, a spokesman for the Syrian American Council, an
advocacy group supporting the Syrian rebels. He said they want America
to provide the rebels with heavy arms like anti-aircraft and anti-tank
guns, and to fund rebel councils -- two ideas that Romney floated during
the third presidential debate.
While fewer Muslims are supporting Obama this year, Muslim support
for Mitt Romney -- at just 7 percent, according to the CAIR poll -- is
more than triple the 2.2 percent of Muslims who voted for GOP nominee
John McCain in 2008.
"Muslims need tough love, not soft coddling to get over their
illusions of Islamist fantasies," said Ahmed Vanya, an engineer in San
Jose, Calif.
Vanya fears that many Muslims won't give Romney a fair chance.
"Many Muslims are not going to be happy with the way Romney would
handle the civil rights issues," Vanya said. "Even if he follows exactly
the same policies as Obama, he would be perceived as worse for the
Many Muslim Americans worry that the former Massachusetts governor
will continue security policies they say disproportionately target them
while embracing an George W. Bush-style foreign policy that will lead to
more conflict with the Muslim world.
"The way Romney talks about eliminating extremism, like it can be
done with a formula, shows that he doesn't get it. And that's
dangerous," said Ani Zonneveld, president of the Los Angeles-based
Muslims for Progressive Values.
While Romney has not been explicitly anti-Islam or used the
inflammatory rhetoric deployed by some Republicans, many Muslims say his
failure to condemn such rhetoric, and his willingness to use words that
alarm Americans, like "jihad" and "Islamic extremism," shows he isn't
above exploiting fears about Muslims.
"Gov. Romney has not spoken out against this before the election, why
would he do anything to minimize the Islamophobes after the election?"
said Iqbal.
And for all the criticisms they have of Obama, Muslim Americans have found more than enough reasons to vote for him.
"To get one Osama bin Laden, our irresponsible President Bush
destroyed a nation and a people," said Mike Ghouse, a Muslim commentator
in Texas, referring to the invasion of Iraq. "In contrast, President
Obama got the guy with no collateral damage and no damage to bin Laden's
religion or the nation," Ghouse said.
Some Muslim voters have taken a more pragmatic view: even though they
may disagree with Romney and running mate Paul Ryan, they argue that
being adversarial now would not be helpful if the GOP ticket wins the
White House. That's why Obama supporter Aziz Poonawalla introduced
himself to Ryan at a Wisconsin apple farm several weeks ago.
"He needs to see and meet Muslim Americans," Poonawalla wrote on the
website, "(so) he has something/someone real to compare
against the cartoon that his fellow Republicans have constructed about
our community."
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